Haryana Police to Strengthen Feedback Mechanism, Enhance Women and Child Safety Measures
Chandigarh,(KK) – Haryana's Director General of Police (DGP), Shatrujeet Kapur, urged police officers today to not only promptly address public complaints but also to prioritize impartial investigations.
He was chairing a meeting of senior police officers at the police lines in Panchkula, which covered several critical topics, including the safety of women and children.
Mr. Kapur urged officers to take proactive steps in handling complaints received in police stations. He proposed that officers should make random calls to complainants to inquire about the reasons for their dissatisfaction. These calls will be used to assess the performance of police stations and officers, establishing a rating system.
Feedback Mechanism Strengthening
As part of an effort to enhance the feedback mechanism, Kapur emphasized the need for senior officers to review calls made through the feedback cell, focusing especially on those dissatisfied with police actions. They should inquire about the reasons behind the dissatisfaction and ensure transparent work processes through call recording, he added.
Crèches for Children of Women Police Personnel
The establishment of crèches for children of women police personnel was discussed. These crèches are proposed to be set up within police lines and women's police stations. A 15-child crèche already operating in Kurukshetra, managed by an Ex-Gratia Class IV employee, was commended by the DGP.
Road Safety Pilot Project with IIT Madras
Panchkula Police Commissioner Sibas Kaviraj said that a pilot project in collaboration with IIT Madras would enhance road safety in Panchkula. The project will involve a comprehensive assessment of road safety factors.
Healthcare and Road Infrastructure Improvement
Efforts to develop a roadmap for healthcare facilities and road infrastructure were highlighted. Collaboration with the Indian Road and Highway Enforcement Directorate (IRED) is underway to address "black spots" on roads.
Action Against Illegal Red/Blue Lights and Sirens
Strict measures to penalize vehicles using unauthorized red/blue lights and sirens were discussed. Coordination with toll plazas and communication with the transport department are ongoing to cancel the registration of such vehicles.
Challans for DJ Systems on Trucks and Trolleys
DGP Kapur addressed the issue of loud DJ systems on trucks and trolleys during weddings and festivals, indicating the possibility of canceling the registration of such vehicles. Action will also be taken against DJ owners as per regulations.
Campaign Against Eve-Teasers and Women's Safety
Special attention is being given to areas with a higher incidence of assault or molestation of women. Police teams have been deployed in these areas. DGP Kapur advised deploying women police personnel near colleges and universities to connect with female students and encourage them to report any harassment.
De-Addiction and Law Enforcement
De-addiction efforts were discussed in detail. A list of drug sellers and buyers is being prepared, expected to be ready by November 30. DGP Kapur stressed strict action against drug smugglers.
Law Enforcement Statistics
Between January 1 and October 19, 3128 FIRs were filed, and 4218 persons were arrested under various offenses.
Sentinel Data and Accountability
Completion of Gram Prahari (village guard) data is expected by November 30. Gram prahari have been instructed to focus on six key areas and will be held accountable for any criminal activities in their jurisdiction.
Improvements in Mahila Police Stations
DGP Kapur emphasized sensitive handling of complaints at Mahila Police Stations, ensuring polite and respectful interactions with complainants. He reiterated the purpose of Mahila Police Stations in providing women with one-stop access to legal services
The meeting was attended by Additional Director General of Police (ADGP) Cyber OP Singh, ADGP CID Alok Mittal, ADGP Haryana 112 and IT Arshindar Chawla, ADGP Law and Order Mamta Singh, ADGP Hisar Shrikant Jadhav, HPA Madhuban Director CS Rao, ADGP Rohtak KK Rao, IG Modernization Amitabh Dhillon, IG Rajshree Singh, Police Commissioner Vikas Arora, IG Ambala and Police Commissioner Sibas Kaviraj and many other officers were present.